Young Professionals in Infrastructure Fellowship

The purpose of the YPI Fellowship Program is to provide graduate students focused on infrastructure research with the opportunity to engage with professionals in the infrastructure sector to help further their active academic research and allow them to communicate the product of their study and academic achievement in conferences and other academic and industry forums. YPI recognizes the importance of ensuring that the infrastructure industry and academia engage in regular communication to further common goals and hopes to provide high achieving individuals with the opportunity to network with the various YPI member organizations.

The YPI Fellowship will provide Fellows with funding that can be applied to costs such as travel and registration costs in order to attend conference(s) and/or other industry event(s), and/or fees to access various P3 data repositories related to their proposed research for the fellowship. Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to one or more YPI Fellows.

In addition to facilitating opportunities for meaningful engagement with industry and academia, Fellows will partner with YPI on a research project. This project will be proposed by applicants as part of the application process and can vary in terms of topic and scope, but should focus on a subject within the Infrastructure/P3 field.

Fellowship Application Criteria and Process:

  • Current graduate student (e.g., MA, MS, MBA, MPA, MPP, PhD or JD candidates or equivalent degrees

  • Student is undertaking, or has a desire to undertake, research on infrastructure, with a connection to innovative/alternative project delivery (i.e., procurement, financing, design, construction) or P3s

  • Applications will be evaluated by a panel of YPI members


Application Details:

View application here

Applications for 2024 are due March 31st, 2024

Please submit any questions and final applications (in Word or PDF) to