Experience our community.


YPI’s members represent a broad spectrum of participants in the infrastructure sector that span all stages of infrastructure delivery: project inception, procurement, design, construction, finance, operation and maintenance. YPI maintains a focus on public-private partnerships and other alternative delivery methods.

They include: infrastructure developers; general construction and specialty contractors; financial institutions and investors; financial and strategic consulting firms; architecture and engineering firms; public agencies; and legal advisors.

Membership is open to professionals across the public and private sectors who are involved in infrastructure development, as well as students studying or interested in applicable subject matter.







We’ve created several membership levels in order to enhance the breadth of industry participants involved in the organization

Organizational Membership

YPI’s Organizational Members are the cornerstones and the key reason YPI is able to deliver meaningful events and initiatives. Members can choose between Executive, Standard, or Public sector tiers. Benefits include, but are not limited to, brand recognition, Board of Director seat(s), event discounts, member only event invitations and 25-50 employee members.

Individual Membership

YPI’s Individual Membership options lower barriers for passionate individuals that lack the support of an organization, such as students and public sector employees. Individual members from private sector organizations are limited and considered on a case-by-case basis. Benefits include, but are not limited to, member only event invitations, event discounts, and committee eligibility.

Organizational Members

Executive Organizational Members

Standard Organizational Members

Public Sector Organizational Members


Academic Partners

Strategic Partners